Our Mission
Encourage, Equip
And Enable Christians
For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building
- I Corinthians 3:9
We invite you to join us to make a difference in our world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ can change a life. Changed lives can bring about change for a better world. Please join us as we work together in a world that brings change for eternity. For we are laborers together with God – I Corinthians 3:9
About Us
Grace Mission has a long history beginning as Grace Mission to Haiti, and going back to 1976 when an American pastor visited Haiti and saw the need to help a Haitian pastor establish a church in Haiti. From that humble beginning, Grace Mission has worked to do the work of evangelism, discipleship and church planting in fulfilling the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. Countless lives have been changed for eternity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Grace Mission is committed to helping those in need by providing food, housing, clothing, medical care, education and sustainable projects, while delivering the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Having seen the original work of the mission coming to its original goals, the Board began seeking new partnerships around the world to continue that work. We invite you to join us as we seek to reach the world with the Gospel. In 2017, Grace Mission to Haiti, Inc. became Grace Mission to The World, Inc. The Articles of Incorporation were changed in the state of Florida to reflect the new name. The purpose of the mission is no longer limited to Haiti, but is worldwide.